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What is Tanks?

Tanks! For Playing is a Turn-Based Multiplayer Online Blockchain Game involving cooperation, coordination, planning, strategy and eventually betrayal.

Full description of Tanks

Tanks! For Playing is a Turn-Based Multiplayer Online Blockchain (?) Game involving cooperation, coordination, planning, strategy and eventually betrayal. Tanks! can be played entirely on-chain (web3) or off-chain on a managed server (web2). Games can range in duration from a few hours (~6 hrs) to over the course of days or weeks. Tanks! For Playing is powered by the game Token (?) TANKS. TANKS are finite in supply, with a proportion of revenue to be burnt ensuring that the token is deflationary. "https://etherscan.io/token/0xf604d1e51122592e0babe63ac334c0e647222f2d https://bscscan.com/token/0xd20738760aededa73f6cd91a3d357746e0283a0e https://polygonscan.com/token/0x985f3300cb203efae88d9f9a2a707c7a330f2967"
  • Exchange symbol (?): TANKS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS