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What is Tarality?

Tarality commissioned Antier Solutions to perform an end-to-end source code review of their Solidity Smart Contract.

Full description of Tarality

Tarality commissioned Antier Solutions to perform an end-to-end source code review of their Solidity Smart Contract. Team Antier Solutions (referred to as TAS throughout the report) performed the audit on 21st September 2021. The following report discusses severity issues and their scope of rectification through change recommendations. It also highlights activities that are successfully executed and others that need total reworking (if any). The report emphasizes best practices in coding and the security vulnerabilities if any. The information in this report should be used to understand the overall code quality, security, and correctness of the Smart Contract. The analysis is static and entirely limited to the Smart Contract code. In the audit, we reviewed the Smart Contract’s code that implements the Token (?) mechanism
  • Exchange symbol (?): TARAL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS