What is TENDIES?

## What Is The Tendie Fren Co.? The Tendie Fren Co.

Full description of TENDIES

## What Is The Tendie Fren Co.? The Tendie Fren Co. is a community-focused project launched on day 1 of Cronos Mainnet and is home to TENDIES, a reward Token (?) with DAO-governed tokenomics and familiar auto-liquidity and burn mechanisms. Its raison d'etre is to raise the standards that investors demand from DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) projects, to support charities, reward its community and to keep it safe from rugs. TENDIES is the native utility token that is used for: * Granting eligibility for community giveaways and competitions. * Governance of the Tendie Fren Co. ecosystem. * Staking (?) in pools and farms on our Frenswap and partner DEXes. * Charity donations. The Tendie Fren Co. ecosystem include: * A social community hub. * Its own DEX front-end with reward pools. * The privacy-respecting XMRswap OTC service. * Future developments including NFTs and gamification. ## How Many TENDIES Coins Are There in Circulation? TENDIES launched on Cronos mainnet on November 8, 2021 with 1 million TENDIES tokens created at genesis. 10% of these tokens were initially distributed to three wallets that serve as treasuries for the charity, project growth and community funds. Our launch tokenomics include 7% reflections, 3% auto-liquidity, 2% community funds, 1% charity and 1% burn. No more tokens can be minted. ~2% of the total supply has been burned as of 10 Nov 21. ### Who Are the Founders of the Tendie Fren Co.? The Tendie Fren Co. was created by a single individual known publicly as the Tendieman after witnessing a string of rugs, failed launches and poorly-managed DeFi projects. The founder has been involved in DeFi for several years and is a full-stack developer with a background in security. ### Where Can I Buy TENDIES? TENDIES is available for trading on three exchanges and has its own DEX front-end. Frenswap is a DEX front-end that uses EmpireDEX's AMM and offers TENDIES-WCRO trading. https://frenswap.io/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x2fDcB16a977921FaDac3A9E03D18aDa77B4aA3F5 Crodex has a TENDIES-WCRO pair. https://swap.crodex.app/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x2fDcB16a977921FaDac3A9E03D18aDa77B4aA3F5 Photonswap has a TENDIES-WCRO pair. https://photonswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x2fDcB16a977921FaDac3A9E03D18aDa77B4aA3F5 #### What Makes The Tendie Fren Co. Unique? The Tendie Fren Co's mission is to demonstrate that high meme-potential projects should adhere to high standards and strive to innovate and raise those standards. 48 hours after launch, it is already unique in its class due to a number of reasons: * Publishing a whitepaper as an immersive flipbook experience. * Publishing a detailed security paper that aims to enrich the community's understanding of the TENDIES contract code and explain its audit in greater detail. * The contract itself is extensively annotated with comments explaining what every privileged function does, the justification for its existence, the potential risks to the investor and the mitigations in place to reduce said risks. * The most prominent and innovative non-DEX token on the Cronos chain i.e. not another dog Coin (?) or SafeMoon clone. * The first and only audited token project on Cronos. * DAO governance that helps make the community feel more involved in deciding the token's tokenomics and the project's future. * The only Cronos token project with its own DEX front-end and reward pools. * A rapid development cycle as the primary impetus to adoption rather than pure meme potential. * A focus on promoting Blockchain (?) privacy through its XMRswap OTC service. #### Related Pages: All the project's links can be found at the Linktree: https://linktr.ee/tendiefrenco Note that the audit is the Testnet contract. An updated audit for the Mainnet contract will be published publicly by the auditor shortly. The contract is identical except for updated Mainnet contract addresses and a few minor corrections. #### Team/backers/investors: The founder is the sole permanent member of the project and has built everything except for commissioning original art. This is his first DeFi project and he works as a security and cyber specialist for his day job. The growing team includes several community managers, artists and marketing professionals. 100% of the initial liquidity was provided by the founder who has complete executive and creative control over the project due to the choice not to have any private or seed investors. #### Media:https://thecronicle.com/featured-articles/tendie-fren-co-setting-the-standard-for-meme-coins/bugzkg/ ### Traction/Adoption/Partnerships/MVPs/Apps 48 hours after launch, the core community is an active Telegram group of 700 members. The TENDIES token has 486 holders, the market cap is $300k and the DEX dAPP is up and running. The development cycle has been rapid, and the founder has good relations with the devs of most projects on Cronos, as well as some large projects who are moving there soon. ### Existing partnerships: - EmpireDEX (dAPP, future bridging to other chains and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) development). ### Upcoming partnerships: - Kafe Finance, Moonbeans.
  • Exchange symbol (?): TENDIES
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

TENDIES for developers

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 Source: NOMICS