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What is TearFiat?

TEARFIAT Token (Tfiat) is a hyper deflationary crypto-token, operating on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20 standard token) which can be used as a currency, a store of value or as games fuel. The most remarkable feature of Tfiat Token is its decreasing rate of 0.5% after each transaction on the smart contract and its total supply (4611)

Full description of TearFiat

TEARFIAT Token (?) (Tfiat) is a hyper deflationary crypto-token, operating on the Ethereum Blockchain (?) (ERC-20 standard token) which can be used as a currency, a store of value or as games fuel. The most remarkable feature of Tfiat Token is its decreasing rate of 0.5% after each transaction on the smart contract and its total supply (4611)
  • Exchange symbol (?): TFIAT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS