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What is Tegridy?

Tegridy Token is a cryptocurrency developed to be used as a form of currency at marijuana dispensaries.

Full description of Tegridy

Tegridy Token (?) is a Cryptocurrency (?) developed to be used as a form of currency at marijuana dispensaries. As the legalization of recreational marijuana is spreading across the country, marijuana dispensaries are now obligated to store a significant amount of money at their locations. This in turn increases their risk for crime and jeopardizes the well-being of employees, customers and bystanders. To prevent this, we have revolutionized the way that customers can pay for their marijuana by developing a token to be primarily accepted at these dispensaries, which will in turn protect the owners and its customers. Tegridy Token has a specific purpose, and that is to be the best cryptocurrency serving a market in need of financial support, the legal cannabis marketplace. There have been numerous cryptocurrency attempts to do just this including Potcoin (started 2014), CannabisCoin (2016), Dopecoin (2014), and Paragon (2017). Of these, the largest market cap is Potcoin at $4.8 million. Meanwhile, Tegridy hit $16 Million market cap within 5 days of its existence! The cannabis industry is currently worth upwards of $61 billion and this with only 16 states legalizing it at this time. With 34 states to go, that is a significant amount of future growth.
  • Exchange symbol (?): TGDY
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS