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What is ThunderCake?

ThunderCake, the First Token of its type to provide its users with double reflection rewards, at a ratio of 80% given in a token which will provide immediate benefits to the user short term, and 20% provided in a token specifically built to provide profit for long term investors.

Full description of ThunderCake

ThunderCake, the First Token (?) of its type to provide its users with double reflection rewards, at a ratio of 80% given in a token which will provide immediate benefits to the user short term, and 20% provided in a token specifically built to provide profit for long term investors. These two tokens have been carefully chosen, to provide both an immediate benefit and a long-term benefit. Cake and Thoreum have been selected to be the two tokens most likely to provide our users with instant funds, both in the form of passive income, and also give them the best opportunity to profit long term, in the form of an increase in value of these reflection tokens. Simply hold ThunderCake and every 60 minutes investors will receive reflections in both Cake and Thoreum split 80/20 for free.
  • Exchange symbol (?): THUNDERCAKE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

ThunderCake for developers

ThunderCake social sites

 Source: NOMICS