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What is TradeKax?

TradeKax is a platform that encompasses all features of a digital economic system based on cryptocurrency.TheTradeKax platform is made up of core elements, such as a new wallet and a cryptocurrency exchange.

Full description of TradeKax

TradeKax is a platform that encompasses all features of a digital economic system based on cryptocurrency.TheTradeKax platform is made up of core elements, such as a new Wallet (?) and a Cryptocurrency (?) exchange. Also, it provides related features and services such as market cap rankings, Token (?) listings, and merchant tools and a cryptocurrency-friendly marketplace.Tradekax aims to facilitate the mass adoption of cryptocurrency. Our platform lists vetted utility tokens, ensuring a safe, secure, and compliant Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) environment for every user. Investors can trade tokens with Fiat (?) conversions displayed for total transparency and easy trading.
  • Exchange symbol (?): TKX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS