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What is Treats?

TREATS has a DUALCHAIN SYSTEM on Ethereum and Polygon.

Full description of Treats

TREATS has a DUALCHAIN SYSTEM on Ethereum and Polygon. On Ethereum TREATS is a HYPER DEFLATIONARY Token (?) with a amount based transaction FEE with auto BURN and STATIC REWARDS to every holder. On Polygon TREATS is a standard token without FEE and REWARDS. We build no contract just for us, but for and with the community. Over time a LARGE NETWORK will be created consisting of different USEFUL SMART CONTRACTS that work together. At the center of this is our TREATS token, with future features such as Staking (?) and voting. For REAL DECENTRALITY we will as soon as possible CHANGE EVERY OWNERSHIP of our smart contracts to our voting contract in order to leave them completely to the community. EVERY CHANGE in the contracts is then decided through community voting. We build a 1:1 TREATS BACKED MULTICHAIN token with auto liquidity to STRENGTHEN OUR LIQUIDITY and INCREASE OUR REACH. Wrapped TREATS ist currently live on Polygon BSC and Fantom. Support of ERC677 and ERC2612 token standard. It is not necessary to wrap TREATS to WTREATS!
  • Exchange symbol (?): TREATS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS