What is UltraLink Machine System?

ULM system refers to the tradable equivalent or premium warrants obtained by the parent blockchain platform by pledging digital&physical assets.

Full description of UltraLink Machine System

ULM system refers to the tradable equivalent or premium warrants obtained by the parent Blockchain (?) platform by pledging digital&physical assets. ULM system, as a kind of Decentralized (?) application, allows users to create premium warrants which have equivalent or higher value based on the original real assets (no matter the digital or the physical). At the same time, ULM is a bilateral market, and is mainly composed of two types of users, namely provider and demand party. Provider: the original asset owner who obtains cash flow by issuing warrants; Demand party: the investor who obtains the original asset income by holding warrants.ULM is a kind of asset stable Token (?) pegged to USD. 1 ULM ≈ 1 USD.
  • Exchange symbol (?): ULM
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

UltraLink Machine System for developers

  • Block explorer (?):
  • gitHub:

UltraLink Machine System social sites

 Source: NOMICS