URU Token V1 (OLD) logo

What is URU Token V1 (OLD)?

When success depends on the shared strength of the individuals who make up a collective, we are forced to shift our perspectives to align with those around us.

Full description of URU Token V1 (OLD)

When success depends on the shared strength of the individuals who make up a collective, we are forced to shift our perspectives to align with those around us. The URU Token (?) is our way of recognizing the importance of tearing down this long-established paradigm. 8% of every buy/sell is redistributed to all holders IN BUSD. 4% of every transaction is transferred into Liquidity Pool for Pancakeswap to create a stable price floor Any transaction between two wallets is taxed 14% by contracts & distributed as rewards!
  • Exchange symbol (?): URU
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

URU Token V1 (OLD) for developers

URU Token V1 (OLD) social sites

 Source: NOMICS