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What is Utopia Community Token?

Utopia Community is the first fully social crypto project.

Full description of Utopia Community Token

Utopia Community is the first fully social Crypto (?) project. The sale of the tokens mainly finances social projects around the world. Which projects are selected for this purpose are not decided by the company, but collectively by the community members. This concept is unique. With their project they want to save the environment and help the people in need. The Token (?) is a TRC-20 token and runs over the Tron blockchain. The project includes a membership program to ensure the value of the token is preserved and to provide opportunities and rights to members of the community. Their future project platform will be technologically innovative. It is used to present projects from the community members to be voted on a monthly basis. Depending on the number of tokens the community members hold in their wallet, the token holders receive various rights within the community. These include, for example, voting rights in project selection or the possibility to propose own projects. For example, through their project, schools can be built in Africa. Moreover, poverty and hunger in various countries can be denied. Nature reserves could also be opened for animals threatened from extinction. Big areas of the rainforest could be bought, so it can be preserved. That are only a few examples of what they want to do. There will also be a social network where the community members can communicate with each other and a donation platform within the community, where the community members can support each other if someone is in need.
  • Exchange symbol (?): UWCT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Utopia Community Token for developers

Utopia Community Token social sites

 Source: NOMICS