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What is VAULT-S?

VAULT-S (VAULT-S) is a Self-Reflecting, Hyper-Deflationary and BNB Rewarding VaultDeFi token hosted on the Binance Smart Chain. VAULT-S (VAULT-S) Tokenomics 3% Buy Tax - Breakdown: 
10% - VAULT-S Burn, 90% - VAULT-S 8% Sales Tax - Breakdown: 
10% - VAULT-S Burn, 90% - BNB VaultDeFi is a unique multi-token project with flexible and interchangeable commodities.

Full description of VAULT-S

VAULT-S (VAULT-S) is a Self-Reflecting, Hyper-Deflationary and BNB Rewarding VaultDeFi Token (?) hosted on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain. VAULT-S (VAULT-S) Tokenomics 3% Buy Tax - Breakdown: 
10% - VAULT-S Burn, 90% - VAULT-S 8% Sales Tax - Breakdown: 
10% - VAULT-S Burn, 90% - BNB VaultDeFi is a unique multi-token project with flexible and interchangeable commodities. These assets have been uniquely designed to reward holders with proprietary double compounding interest, highlighted with our innovative “delete bag” function that burns a percentage of the current supply with all transactions creating a direct benefit to the current market supply developing a larger market share for all investors. Having hyper-deflationary rewarding assets are revolutionary in the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) space and will be beneficial to all investors.
  • Exchange symbol (?): VAULTS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

VAULT-S for developers

VAULT-S social sites

 Source: NOMICS