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What is vBSWAP?

vBSWAP is Binance Smart Chain token used as incentive for Value DeFi BSC ecosystem users.

Full description of vBSWAP

vBSWAP is Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain Token (?) used as incentive for Value DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) BSC ecosystem users. Part of fees (decided by vGovernance) from Value DeFi BSC ecosystem are used to buyback and burn vBSWAP. Max supply of vBSWAP is 100000 and it will be distributed over period of 108 weeks with emission reduction by 10% every 4 weeks (eg. first four weeks total of 10600 vBSWAP tokens will be distributed to farmers, next four weeks 9540, etc
  • Exchange symbol (?): VBSWAP
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

vBSWAP for developers

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 Source: NOMICS