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What is Vitamin Coin?

Vitamin Coin aka VITC is the first meme token on the Vite Blockchain.

Full description of Vitamin Coin

Vitamin Coin (?) aka VITC is the first meme Token (?) on the Vite Blockchain. Vitamin Coin aims to promote healthy living - something that is too often neglected in these times. The project transitioned from complete founder control to a democratic team of people working together to develop and sustain the project and community. The team regards mental and physical well-being as crucial aspects of a happy and healthy life. In line with these commitments, the main distribution methods of VITC centre on rewarding exercise and healthy routines. Come join us to realise how your health can also be your wealth!
  • Exchange symbol (?): VITC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Vitamin Coin for developers

Vitamin Coin social sites

 Source: NOMICS