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What is VirtualReality V1 (OLD)?

$VR Virtual Reality environments are governed by Smart Contracts, allowing token holders ability for flexible, tokenized ‘in-world’ interactions, rewards, voting, contests, virtual goods and more ‘in-world’ transactions utilizing BEP20 compliant Tokens called $VR. Each $VR Token holder will be able to participate in virtual reality space for real world celebrity concerts, award shows, tech talks, charity fund-raisers, sporting events, VR commerce, classroom learning and much more as the exciting world of virtual reality meets real world opportunity through Smart Contract governance on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Full description of VirtualReality V1 (OLD)

$VR Virtual Reality environments are governed by Smart Contracts, allowing Token (?) holders ability for flexible, tokenized ‘in-world’ interactions, rewards, voting, contests, virtual goods and more ‘in-world’ transactions utilizing BEP20 compliant Tokens called $VR. Each $VR Token holder will be able to participate in virtual reality space for real world celebrity concerts, award shows, tech talks, charity fund-raisers, sporting events, VR commerce, classroom learning and much more as the exciting world of virtual reality meets real world opportunity through Smart Contract governance on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain (BSC).
  • Exchange symbol (?): VR
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

VirtualReality V1 (OLD) for developers

VirtualReality V1 (OLD) social sites

 Source: NOMICS