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What is VSAR Token?

VSAR token is a token issued on the WAVES blockchain, the token serves as a tool for financing business projects, monthly 90% of the net profit will be added to the liquidity of the VSAR token.

Full description of VSAR Token

VSAR Token (?) is a token issued on the WAVES blockchain, the token serves as a tool for financing business projects, monthly 90% of the net profit will be added to the liquidity of the VSAR token. The collateral supported by the VSAR token will be movable and immovable property. In the future, we will invest 90% of net profit in BTC 15%, ETH 10%, BNB 10%, WAVES 10%, USDT 45%.
  • Exchange symbol (?): VSAR
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS