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What is Wrapped Cheetahcoin?

WCHTA stands for Wrapped CheetahCoin and is simply a BEP-20 token that represents Cheetahcoin.

Full description of Wrapped Cheetahcoin

WCHTA stands for Wrapped CheetahCoin and is simply a BEP-20 Token (?) that represents Cheetahcoin. One WCHTA equals one CHTA. CHTA can be converted into WCHTA and vice-versa at SouthXchange. The key advantage of WCHTA is its integration into the world of defi, dapps, smart contracts and Decentralized (?) Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) (DEX) swapping. WCHTA is traded at pancakeswap and southxchange
  • Exchange symbol (?): WCHTA
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS