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What is Wrapped ILCOIN?

Wrapped ILCOIN (WILC) acts as a stablecoin in a similar way that Wrapped Bitcoin works and allows for passive income generation opportunities.

Full description of Wrapped ILCOIN

Wrapped ILCOIN (WILC) acts as a stablecoin in a similar way that Wrapped Bitcoin works and allows for passive income generation opportunities. WILC is an ERC-20 Token (?) that works on the Ethereum Virtual Machine and is tradable directly with the native ILCOIN asset and Ethereum by novice and expert Crypto (?) enthusiasts. WILC is the Ethereum version of ILCOIN, in simple terms that is what it is. We want our users to be able to be part of the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) revolution, we also want DeFi users to become part of our ILCOIN revolution. WILC is unique because it is also an ILCOIN token, you can say that it is the bridge between the ILCOIN and Ethereum worlds. This opens up the two systems and creates a space for collaboration. ILCOIN users can use their ILCOIN to buy WILC and convert it to any other Ethereum based tokens. Equally Ethereum users can do the reverse. We are creating a space for our community to make passive income. Just as Mining (?) on PoW systems and Staking (?) in PoS, now our users have the chance to make money simply through allowing their crypto to sit safely in a liquidity pool. As the bridge strengthens and people learn about the WILC project, they will ultimately find out about the Decentralized (?) Cloud Blockchain (?) (DCB) too. It isn’t hard to see at this point why the DCB is superior to the Ethereum network; no deadlock, no gas fees, just a smooth and super-efficient chain. With WILC, we are progressing beyond the need for centralized exchanges altogether and creating a safer, more reliable system for users to access the ILCOIN network. WILC was designed to maintain decentralization and give more power to the user to control their own cryptocurrency. This is what DeFi was built for and this is what we stand for as a team; reliability and trust between user and developers. Grow with us, develop with us and help us build technology that you need.
  • Exchange symbol (?): WILC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS