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What is WindSwap?

WindSwap is the world’s first deflationary bridging token, which is to be used on our existing decentralized exchange at, for our cross-chain bridge. Our platform allows the convenient trading of any BEP-20 token and will provide further functionality around charting and automated due diligence for our users.

Full description of WindSwap

WindSwap is the world’s first deflationary bridging token, which is to be used on our existing Decentralized (?) Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) at, for our cross-chain bridge. Our platform allows the convenient trading of any BEP-20 Token (?) and will provide further functionality around charting and automated due diligence for our users. WindSwap is a deflationary token, with a maximum of 25 million coins. This will be reduced to 8.8 million over 192 cycles via the built in rebasing process.
  • Exchange symbol (?): WINDY
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

WindSwap for developers

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 Source: NOMICS