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What is Woonkly?

WOONK is a token that establishes a direct connection among brands, content creators, advertisers, and their audience worldwide without the need for middlemen.

Full description of Woonkly

WOONK is a Token (?) that establishes a direct connection among brands, content creators, advertisers, and their audience worldwide without the need for middlemen. By removing the intermediaries from the equation, Woonkly introduces a game-changing innovation in the traditional advertising and communication chain. Making it possible for advertisers to meet their audience directly reduces the costs of publicity drastically. Due to this change in the interaction, the viewers receive tokens in Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) for the content visualization, i.e. they are rewarded for their time spent watching videos
  • Exchange symbol (?): WOONK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Woonkly for developers

Woonkly social sites

 Source: NOMICS