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What is Wall Street Baby?

WallStreetBaby is a cryptocurrency token made for the community.

Full description of Wall Street Baby

WallStreetBaby is a Cryptocurrency (?) Token (?) made for the community. Bringing premium WallStreetBaby NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) meme art to Token holders. $WSB token holders will be able to propose and vote on important decisions. The main concept of the token is, that all the token holders can give idea on what do they think is good for the community and all other token holders will vote on it. This way everybody will make decisions. The Original and Premium NFTs will give collectors Wall Streets Baby tokens, when they collect certain collections, you can find it on official webpage and in discord forum: https://wallstreetbaby.io/nfts/. So token holders can collect, hold, swap their NFT cards.
  • Exchange symbol (?): WSB
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS