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What is Sienna (ERC-20)?

Sienna is a privacy-first decentralized finance protocol built on Secret Network that enables trustless financial instruments, such as trading and lending with complete privacy with cross-chain support for Ethereum and soon Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, Monero, and interoperability with all Cosmos blockchains via IBC. Sienna [ERC-20] is a wrapped token for Sienna on the Ethereum network.

Full description of Sienna (ERC-20)

Sienna is a privacy-first Decentralized (?) finance protocol built on Secret Network that enables trustless financial instruments, such as trading and lending with complete privacy with cross-chain support for Ethereum and soon Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain, Polkadot, Monero, and interoperability with all Cosmos blockchains via IBC. Sienna [ERC-20] is a wrapped Token (?) for Sienna on the Ethereum network.
  • Exchange symbol (?): wSIENNA
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Sienna (ERC-20) for developers

Sienna (ERC-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS