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What is Son of Elon?

"Son of Elon (X Æ A-12) Son of Elon is a meme token inspired and created for the Dogefather's son X Æ A-12.

Full description of Son of Elon

"Son of Elon (X Æ A-12) Son of Elon is a meme Token (?) inspired and created for the Dogefather's son X Æ A-12. The Memecoin Moses, the man who with a single tweet moons tokens. This is a token with a chart that will always reach to mars and with a healthy buyback tax to assure that the marketcap is also supported. With a reward in DOGE you can accumulate your reward asset is supported by the dogefather himself!! With a token with a rebase function it is imperative that investors pay attention to the marketcap at which they entered the token, not the per token price as the supply is elastic, and token price can flucuate. However using this rebase protocol it opens up many avenues for marketing and increased FOMO! "
  • Exchange symbol (?): XAEA12
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS