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What is Synthetic FTT?

Synthetify is a synthetic assets platform, fully built on top of the Solana blockchain.

Full description of Synthetic FTT

Synthetify is a synthetic assets platform, fully built on top of the Solana blockchain. The platform aims to provide a bridge between cryptocurrencies, stocks, Fiat (?) money, and other financial instruments directly from one Decentralized (?) exchange. Synthetify solves critical problems of other Synthetic assets platforms, like high fees, long confirmation times and losses caused by arbitrage during sharp market moves. Solana Blockchain (?) offers orders of magnitude better performance than any other layer one blockchain available on the market right now and thanks to low fees and fast confirmation time is the perfect bedrock for applications like Synthetify. Synthetify introduced its own Token (?) that acts as collateral for synthetic assets, reduces fees on Synthetify Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) and holds voting power during governance decisions.
  • Exchange symbol (?): XFTT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Synthetic FTT for developers

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 Source: NOMICS