YD-BTC-JUN21 logo

What is YD-BTC-JUN21?

"YD-BTC-JUN21 is a synthetic ""yield dollar"" token that will approach the value of $1 upon expiry, which will be June 30th, 2021.

Full description of YD-BTC-JUN21

"YD-BTC-JUN21 is a synthetic ""yield dollar"" Token (?) that will approach the value of $1 upon expiry, which will be June 30th, 2021. It is collateralized by renBTC, and upon expiry, will be redeemable for exactly $1 worth of BTC at that time."
  • Exchange symbol (?): YD-BTC-JUN21
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

YD-BTC-JUN21 for developers

YD-BTC-JUN21 social sites

 Source: NOMICS