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What is 502 Bad Gateway Token?

Many of us in the crypto space have seen this phrase on more than one occasion.

Full description of 502 Bad Gateway Token

Many of us in the Crypto (?) space have seen this phrase on more than one occasion. It often means that the server you are trying to access is offline. Given that seconds and minutes during a crypto-currency trade can mean huge gains or losses, we see this phrase come up far too frequently. Unable to sell, unable to buy, orders are delayed and opportunities are missed. Not to mention the ever increasing risks of hacking and lost assets. Although we are seeing exponential growth in the crypto-currency market, the quality and security offered by many of the exchanges remains to be far from satisfactory. It is fair to say that we investors are having to risk our capital due to the incompetence of these exchanges. 502 Bad Gateway Token (?) (Z502) is a community token created to protect all those who are invested in crypto-currency. If and when an investor falls victim to an Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) being down, Z502 tokens will be distributed in order to compensate their losses, acting as a safety net. 502 Bad Gateway Token holders will also receive valuable crypto-related information on a regular basis to complement their investment decisions.
  • Exchange symbol (?): Z502
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS